Values and Ethos


Our Ethos Statement 

At Shefford Lower School we provide an excellent, values based education for all children within an ethical framework. Together with their families, we ensure a safe and happy environment in which children learn self-confidence, aspire to be their best and make excellent progress towards high standards. Children leave our school with high aspirations, self-belief and are well prepared for the next stage of their education.


Our Aims 

  • To have children’s happiness, well-being, resilience and success in learning at the core of every aspect of our policy, practice and provision.

  • To understand each child, their strengths and areas for development.

  • To provide exciting and appropriately challenging activities within a broad and balanced 'Connected Curriculum' which is ambitious and rich, to motivate each child and enable them to achieve their potential.

  • To promote a lively, enquiring approach to learning, encouraging in the children self-respect, independence and an ability to work co-operatively.

  • To provide a caring, secure and inclusive environment where individuals feel respected and valued.

  • To instil respect for religious and moral values with an understanding of all races, cultures and religions.

  • To promote respect for our own and others’ property and the environment in which we live.

  • To achieve these aims through an effective partnership with the family, other agencies and the wider community


Our School Values 

British Values Statement 

Our school values, including the core British Values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs are promoted through a Values led education, our connected curriculum, and the daily life of the school.

Please see our VALUES FOR 2022 - 2023

Our Values Schedule shows how our values our mapped throughout the year paying attention to key dates and events. Although we have two particular focus values each month, all values are used, modelled, and lived through all lessons and are connected through a child's journey through Shefford Lower School. Values are introduced in assemblies and followed up in circle times, debates, and class discussions in Life Learning lessons as well as other subjects. Our values are introduced and revisited through rich texts to help the children consolidate them within a story as well as apply them to their own life and situations.


Rewards for Achievement and Demonstrating Values 

Children are rewarded with a stamp on their individual value leaf when they have demonstrated one of our school’s values. At the same time they are given a Values slip to take home.

Special Milestone Leaves are awarded to the children in assembly when they have achieved the following:

  • 5 stamps – Bronze Values Leaf

  • 10 stamps – Silver Values Leaf

  • 15 stamps – Gold Values Leaf

These special leaves are displayed on our Values Tree in the school hall.

If you would like to know more about Values Education, you can visit the Values Education website using the following link: